The State Department is concerned that there is an increased threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia in Thailand. Specific information is available for all countries and includes information on entry and exit requirements, currency regulations, health conditions and security, crime, political unrest. It contains new information for security, terrorism, credit card fraud and rental of real estate fraud and health issues.
Pay attention to your personal wellSafety at all times and monitor the media information about possible new safety or security risks. Up-to-date information on security can also be obtained by controlling the Internet.
Security measures are rudimentary and not sink ferries and speedboats to avoid temporarily overloaded so vessels in bad weather, and go to the next life jackets when on board. Ferries and speedboats used by tourists and locals to and from the many islands off the transportThai mainland are often overcrowded and carry insufficient safety equipment. Boat safety has become an increasing concern in Thailand.
For safety reasons, pedestrians should use overhead walkways whenever possible and should look carefully both ways before crossing streets, even with a marked crosswalk with a green walk light illuminates. Bangkok also has an extensive bus system, but buses can be crowded, and often driven with little or no regard for peopleSecurity.
Helmets for motorcycle drivers and passengers required, but many helmets do not meet international safety standards. The Thai law, helmets must be worn, largely ignored, a factor in many tourist deaths each year. You should take the same safety precautions as in the United Kingdom.
Placed with its beautiful nightlife and atmosphere, it is not difficult to enjoy in Thailand, and these safety tips will help you a happy and healthy timeon vacation.